Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good Day Reader(s).

A Clean Well-Lighted Place By Ernest Hemmingway


1 – Describe the setting. Why is the idea of a well-lighted place so significant to this short story?

The story is set in a Spanish cafe. It is close to closing time, therefore there are no people (customers) except for the old man and two waiters. The cafe has been cleared up with chairs on tables and tableclothes, cups, etc are packed away. A feeling of emptyness and loneliness come to mind.

A well-lighted place is significant to this short story as it is a comfort area/zone for someone who does not like the dark or is possibly an insomniac - someone who can't sleep - as artificial light mimics daylight. In addition, the writer wanted to show the contrast between a bar which is usually dark and a cafe that is similar to a restaurant therefore is lit properly, therefore why the old man prefered to drink in a cafe instead of a traditional bar.

2 – Why are the characters nameless?

The characters are nameless because they had no significance. the writer wanted to emphasize how not important each character was to one another. For example, the old man was just a customer holding up the waiters and not letting them go home early, therefore they didn't care to find out his name. It also showed the relationship between the waiters, they were 'only' co-workers (not friends), probably outside of the cafe they had nothing to do with each other.

3 – What is the connection between the old man and the older waiter? What is the purpose of the younger waiter in the story?

The connection between the old man and the older waiter is that they are both considered "old", meaning that they have reached a certain level of maturity or a certain age where they no longer consider themselves young - possibly through health, physical features, attitudes, emotions, priorities etc.

The purpose of the younger waiter in the story is to point out the contrast between how old and young people think. The younger waiter wanted to hurry home because he wanted extra sleep and to go home to be with his wife, whereas the older waiter was not in a hurry, one extra hour of sleep was not important and he was sensitive to the old man as be felt that he could relate and understand how the old man felt.

4 – What is the plot? Be specific and briefly outline the 5 plot elements.

Conflict - It is late and its passed the cafe's closing time. There are two waiters and an old man in the cafe. The conflict is: the younger of the two waiters would like to close the cafe and head home; however, the old man is still drinking and continues to orders drinks - despite the fact that he is drunk- therefore not allowing the the waiters to close the cafe, hence frustrating the young waiter. In addition, there is tension between the two waiters as the older waiter is sensitive to the old man and is almost offended by the younger waiter's actions and attitude.

Rising Action - The two waiters converse about the old man, how he almost commit suicide, he stays in the cafe every night till late, etc.

Complications - The old man asks for a re-fill, the waiter pours him another drink. Moments later the old man asks again for another drink.

Climax - The waiter denies the old man another drink and hurrys him to leave.

Falling Action - The old man pays for the drinks he has consumed and leaves. The waiters then close up the cafe while discussing the younger waiter's action and thoughts.

5 – What is the theme (in one sentence)?

The theme of the story is - Nothingness - How far one goes to escape from the nothingness of what life has become.


Research the life of Ernest Hemingway. Compose a one paragraph biographical summary. Highlight facts about Hemingway's life experiences that are evident in "A Clean Well-Lighted Place".


Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. He began his writing career when he was 17 in a newspaper office in Kansas City. After the US went into World War 1, he decided to work as a volunteer in the Italian Army, which left him wounded physically and emotionally. He then returned to the States and continued to write and report for Canadian and American newspapers. He later went back to Europe to cover several events from revolutions to wars. Due to these experiences (through war, etc), he became very depressed and hopeless. Hemingway published several books and stories which focused on death and violence. He won several awards: Silver Medal of Military Valor (medaglia d'argento) in World War I, Pulitzer Prize in 1953 (for The Old Man and the Sea) and the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954 (also partly for The Old Man and the Sea). Unfortunately, on July 2, 1961, Ernest Hemingway commited suicide.

Some facts about Hemingway's life experiences that are evident in the story are:

- He spoke of the old man attempting to commit suicide but not succeeding, it was probably a reflection on his part as he committed suicide which led him to his death. He probably attempted suicide several times but did not succeed until he did.

- The story includes references to Catholicism through the 'Hail Mary and Lord's Prayer', Hemingway was Catholic, and in some senses disregarded some of the Catholic customs (eg. through his divorce to his first wife) just like how he reworded the prayers.

- The waiter mentions the old man "having a wife" , Ernest Hemingway had a wife and divorced her (however marrying again).

- Hemingway was described to be a very depressed, 'distanted' man which is how the old man in the story appeared to be.

-Hemingway suffered from insomnia and alcoholism, and so did the old man and older waiter.



  1. Professor, I've tried several times to change the time zone and it won't save or something. Hence why is says "9:46" AM.

    Maybe you could help me next class.

  2. Well-done! I emailed you the time zone instructions.
    We will discuss Hemingway and this blog assignment in class on Wednesday.
    Grade = 20/20
